Warrior is the third Harbour Tug in the Star Fleet. Next to Big Mac and Hercules, Warrior is another of Captain Star's Star Tugs whose greatest asset is his strength, so he usually works alongside Big Mac when heavier work requires extra muscle.
Generally, though, Warrior varies from towing ships to barge work, his main duty being at the Garbage Dump with Lord Stinker. Warrior is very likeable to his friends and is eager to work hard and please Captain Star. However, his enthusiasm makes him clumsy, so he is always bumping into something or other around the Harbour.
Warrior is very much known for his clumsiness. When he had been enlisted to help Big Mac with the rock contract, Warrior's clumsiness caused a line of incidents in his wake - bumping into Little Ditcher and sending him spinning around like a top, being bumped by his own stone barge by slack towlines, and accidentally sank Big Mac's barge when it had been overloaded.
However, Warrior made up for everything when he saved Ten Cents from being crushed by Izzy Gomez after the tramp steamer ran aground on the rock foundations. He steamed in and took control of the situation, and proved everyone wrong by showing an unimaginable amount of strength to hold the tramper from going over.

Sometimes, Warrior may appear simple-minded when he doesn't understand something - such as one occasion when Top Hat and Warrior were paired together to track down the "pirate" Sea Rogue. Top Hat was left exasperated whilst trying to explain "tactual advantage" to Warrior, and even more so when Warrior accidentally bumped into the flare barge meant for the thief!
His greatest moment in the series came during the Bigg City Regatta, where he and Jack the Garbage Scooper argued about there being "No Garbage Today" - which resulted in the explanation of Municipal Garbage Day!
At times, Warrior has proven to be resourceful. When Lillie Lightship ran out of fuel long before Vienna was due, Warrior had the brilliant idea of setting fire to his rubbish to act as a beacon to lead Vienna towards them (and at the same time making room in his barge to collect all rubbish from Vienna later on).
Even his clumsiness proved extra helpful when Ten Cents and Sunshine finally turned up with the Light Barge - when they were unable to switch its beacon on, a quick, albeit accidental thump from Warrior soon got it going!

However, for all his bumbling, if there is one thing Warrior does not lack in is true courage. He bravely helped Sunshine and Fire Tug to fight the dockside fire and, along with O.J and Top Hat, saved Uptown from becoming smashed to bits by a mass of logs swept downriver. Unfortunately, in the process of building the "dam" of barges to protect the village, Warrior found himself on the wrong side, in the path of the approaching logs! It was through sheer luck and bravery that Warrior survived being crushed himself by sweeping the logs aside out of harm's way.
Warrior is therefore, a perhaps a perfect example of a genuine personality. He knows no malice, and just wants to be the best tug he can be. He is a credit to the Star Tugs team.

Given his character, it's almost impossible to tell what damage to warrior is part of the design and what is the result of previous accidents behind the scenes!
Structurally he is completely sound, and really is only missing a handful of easily replaceable details. We have decided that any dirt of bumps that may have happened after the show ended, simply add to his character!
Again we have only 1 face for this character but hope that more may turn up in the future in the form of originals, moulds or perhaps one day, replicas.
Warrior is a stalwart of our touring display team and is one of our more popular Tugs. He hopes you can come and see him sometime in the near future!