Captain Star and his Star Tugs are the primary tug fleet of Bigg City Port, "whose strength and big hearts made them popular with everybody". Star prides on his tugs and ensures they maintain their shining quality with any job given - but also next to hard work, that they remain "honest, true and forgiving" with one another if squabbles occur.
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Captain Star plays a vital role in the series as he narrates every episode in past reference, assumingly as a "veteran sailor" in his twilight years. But his trademark megaphone is barely missable from his office window at the Star Tug Pier as he gives out orders during every early morning briefing. Star is a kind, understanding man and knows his tugs well. Originally he had chartered in newcomer Sunshine from up river to assist with the extra work, but following the unfortunate events Sunshine suffered at the villainy of Zorran during the Duchess Contract, he eventually decided to enlist him as part of his tugfleet.
Even so, Star also stands for no nonsense if trouble occurs between his tugs, particularly when Top Hat becomes difficult to undertake jobs beneath himself. He also has to be firm when needed, a vital addition to being a leader - when Ten Cents' barge loads went missing, Star had been forced to accept the client's word and put Ten Cents on dredger duty until word of the "pirate" became a bigger issue for both him and Captain Zero.
As a Business Person also, Star has to be considerate on costs as well as his tugs' well-being, however dire things may appear. When he gave Boomer a trial run on his fleet, Boomer's jinx caused no end of trouble and the constant repairs became too costly to afford - however, Captain Star solved the problem by converting Boomer as a House Boat, ridding him of his jinx forever. It wasn't so easy when O.J suffered engine problems during the quarantine season, to the point where Star had to decide whether or not to accept the most cost-efficient means by selling O.J as scrap to Burke and Blair. That quickly changed when Ten Cents explained how O.J saved him from quarantined by Nantucket, and Star had heart enough to have O.J repaired after all.