It would be fair to say that Zip is the dimmest of the Z-Stack Tugs. He sees Zorran as something of a hero and willingly follows plans set out by Zug when they work together. The fact that he follows Zug as a leader figure speaks volumes about his level of initiative!
Zip comes across as being the least villainous of the Z-Stack Tugs, working purely on the basis that the behaviour and actions of his fellow Z-Stacks appeals to him, not working with the free-intent to perform harmful acts of his own volition. It is somewhat of a childish mentality which makes him a complete follower.
His moral conscience shone through when Zug refused to help Ten Cents after Izzy Gomez hit the new rock foundations in Bigg City Port. He knew that Ten Cents needed their help, but was held back on Zug’s orders in spite of his own mind. It shows his submissive side despite really knowing better.
However, like Zug, he relishes trouble and working against the Star Tugs – hence why he willingly helped to wedge Ten Cents and Sunshine in a dock when the two fleets were due to meet the SS Vienna... only to find out later that the two Star Switchers had been getting an emergency light barge to act as a beacon for Vienna’s arrival!

Zip is therefore a bit of a mixed bag. He seems to have a pretty positive morale compass, and deep down knows he should be doing the right thing.
This however is buried underneath his submissive attitude towards his colleagues and superiors, and is looked down upon by them because of this. His childish nature just loves the "fun" side of it, and this makes him fit right in with the Z stacks as a troublemaker.
He is a popular character among the audiences, and it would have been interesting to see how he matured over time.

Life seemed to imitate art with Zip. When he was almost completed by his modelmaker, Chris Lloyd, he was dropped and smashed into pieces, which resulted in a two-week rebuild to get him ready for the shoot.
Today, he’s missing a few parts here and there following years in his storage box, but the former owner, has done an excellent job presenting him for the Trust. Thankfully any parts which will need replaced are easily replicated in time, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue if a restoration is planned. He still wears his trademark ‘devious’ grin – which we reckon will be great for presentation purposes!
He doesn't often get displayed with Zug but in our bigger events we do like to reunite these "partners in crime!"