The smallest of the Z-Stack Tugs, Zug can be devious and nasty when an opportunity arises to work against the Star Tugs, particularly Ten Cents. He quite often abandons the task at hand with the purpose of ruining the Star Tugs' day, hoping that this will improve his standing with Zorran or Captain Zero.
When Ten Cents rushed to help Izzy Gomez when he ran aground, Zug point-blank refused, believing that he would be able instead to claim salvage for both Ten Cents and Izzy in the end. It didn’t work out this way, and in the end, his behaviour ended up costing the Z-Stacks the rock contract instead.
Before this, he had particularly relished the idea of getting Ten Cents into trouble when a barge he delivered for the Z-Stacks went missing, and made it his mission to ruin his name and reputation as much as possible.
However, behind that nasty mask, Zug is in reality a coward when faced with a real threat or a larger Tug – when he tried to find out what Ten Cents was up to, he and Zip ended up finding both the missing barges, and the two pirates that had ordered their theft.
He and Zip celebrated themselves as heroes of the day until they discovered the pirates had not left. This lead to the two Tugs literally speeding for their lives

Despite trying to please him continually, Zug is often bullied by Zorran and much of his respect toward his leader is born purely out of sheer terror. Zorran knows this and sees Zug as a somewhat expendable member of the fleet – such as the time he trapped Zug up river with the Star Tugs, and refused to help him get free.
Much like Ten Cents and Sunshine, Zug works very closely with Zip much of the time, and makes up for the hard time that Zorran gives him by picking on him instead!
So in conclusion, Zug is very much the "small child" of the fleet, but has a true friend in Zip, and while he would never admit it he really values the friendship he has with Zip.
He is very much the child in the playground who feels so small, he uses the slightly bigger but less aware kid to do all his dirty work to give himself a sense of worth and power.
His loyalty and hard work makes him a very useful tug to the Zero fleet.


Zug, like Sunshine is one of the smallest Tugs in our collection. This makes him perfect for little jaunts around the country when we like to do something on a whim, much like his little jaunt around the Midlands, or his important visit to Gloucester Docks.
We again only have the one face for him and would love to find a more devious face for him, but we don't know of any that exist at present. Who knows what the future holds for Zug though!
He doesn't often get displayed with Zip but in our bigger events we do like to reunite these "partners in crime!"